Watching Europa

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Watching Europa is a speculative artistic contemplation on viewing the universe through the eyes of science. Structured loosely around the conjecture that the vast oceans of subglacial water on Jupiter's moon Europa could conceivably harbour life, the Watching Europa project is comprised of sixty minutes of high resolution mathematically-sculpted and organically-detailed animation interwoven in an ever-changing liquid display of refracted light and luscious submarine colour.

The accompanying soundtrack is a shifting ebb and flow of chordal harmonic interactions, filled with mysterious sounds that we could easily assume to be some form of communication.

Watching Europa is presented on Bluray with 5.0 surround sound and is designed to loop repeatedly to create an evocative and mesmerising ambient experience.

You can find out all about the project and see high resolution stills and moving images on the Watching Europa site. You can read about some of the more philosophical ideas behind the work and its context within the realm of contemporary digital artistic explorations on Artlink.
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